Friday, December 6, 2013

Ad Campaign: America's War on Irrational Fear

An ongoing Ad Campaign from The War On Irrational Feara campaign of Incitement Design, a socially conscious creative agency in New York City.

Regardless of your political views you have to admit that these grab your attention. Which is what a really good Ad is supposed to do.

From the Images to the facts listed, these clever Ads definitely cast a light on the subject of "Irrational Fears." Some might argue that the advertisements are poking fun at the very serious subject of "Terrorism" but, that's their message and they drive it pretty clearly. So, either way you have to appreciate that they hit their target market.

I'm curious to see what else comes from this group. They've also put together a mock newscast on their site... To give you an idea here's the opening titles: "Lightning strikes, dog attacks, and bathtub drownings individually result in more American deaths than terrorism. If we reacted to those threats the way we do terrorism..."

You can see the rest of the posters and download here.

SLICK Creative: Fresh Squeezed Creative!

-Stay Fresh!

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